Places of Worship

Greyfriars Parish Church

Greyfriars Church, Bloomgate, Lanark, ML11 9ET
01555 437050

Greyfriars Parish Church, Lanark seeks to serve...

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    Greyfriars Parish Church

    Greyfriars Parish Church, Lanark seeks to serve the community and provide friendship, care and unconditional acceptance for all people.

    We belong together in a diverse family united in the love of God who share in worship and the service of God while examining, nurturing and sharing our faith to become better disciples of Christ.

    We therefore declare ourselves to be an "open and affirming" congregation made up of and welcoming all people into full participation in the life of the church, regardless of race, colour, gender, age, nationality, economic circumstance, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability or emotional condition.

    Designed & built by Mucky Puddle